The struggle for the tickets for the FIFA Nations Cup 2022 is opened: Four encounters of the first play-in-week went on Thursday evening across the stage, the German enamel team has been able to confirm their favorite status. UMT 'BLZ UMT' Bulletin and Mustafa 'Xmuster19' Canal harmonized on the virtual lawn and for the time being secured the place at the top in Division one of the second conference.
The DFB Duo caught the perfect start: 'BLZ UMT' and 'Xmuster19' beat Romania in the overall clearance in 2VS2 with 6: 0. On a nearly 2: 1 against 'pcosmin6' and 'rvpleGend10' followed a clear and offensive impressive 7: 3. Afterwards, Bulletin and Canal had to compete against the Italian 'Karimisbak' and 'Guarantor', even this hurdle took them like a top team. A 4: 3 and a 0: 0 gave them four points.
Great opponents are still before
Against the Russet 'Funkisenator' and 'Abel dos' Russians as outsiders, 'BLZ UMT' and 'Xmuster19' returned the full score again, they sat down with 3: 2 and 3: 0. At the end of the first match day, the DFB double presented a 4-0 against the Belgian 'Gewonbena' and 'Pinna97'. In the second game 'Gewoonbena' was replaced on Belgian side by 'Eminomxrcy', a goalless draw rounded on Thursday.
Thus, the German enamel team with 20 points is currently the first place, but the alleged strongest opponents are still on Friday: at 5 pm the DFB team meets the high-caliber group second Sweden, after which the fourth-placed Finns are waiting for the third place for Portuguese.
France strong, England disappointed
The play-ins will be discharged in the up and down system: After the first game week, the three weakest teams of the first division increase in the second division, the three strongest nations of the second division arise the reverse path. After four game weeks, the two best-placed teams of the first divisions of both conferences move directly into the playoffs of FIFA Nations Series.
The Consistency Points ranking also holds two tickets for the playoffs, the rest of the teams must take the detour via the qualifiers. In the first Division of Conference One, parallel France (19 points), the Netherlands (15 points) and Denmark (14 points) are best cut off. England with the star duo from Donovan 'Teak' Hunt and Tom 'Tom' Lease is only sixth with eight points.
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