The premiere of Spider-Man: No Way Home has gone on the stage on Tuesday at night and first critics have published their ratings to the MCU film. Accordingly, the film with Tom Holland in the main role is almost exclusively positive feedback. On the website Rotten Tomatoes, the rating is currently 100% according to 47 reviews. At Metairie, no Way Home is currently on average 71/100 points.
What do film critics say to Spider-Man: No Way Home?
If you look at a look at the scores, it becomes clear that fans would probably look forward to a colored mixed movie. For example, Amelia Ember wing from IGN describes the movie as the so far darkest and at the same time the funniest Spider-Man appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In addition, fans may look forward to a lot of fan service. Here, the opinions are quite apart.
While some film critics could not get enough of nostalgic moments in No Way Home, other cinema visitors found the crowd exaggerated slightly. Even before the theatrical release Sony and Marvel have confirmed numerous returning figures from ancient times for the third part. Including Alfred Molina (Doc OCK), Jamie Foxx (Electron) or Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin. Whether Today Maguire and Andrew Garfield are also there, remains a secret.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is the best movie of Spider Trilogy
Some are the film critics that No Way Home is the best of the three films with Tom Holland and Sunday. The acting achievements of Spider-Man and MJ are also praised. Again and again, the emotionally overwhelming last act of MCU film is also mentioned positive. You can read more votes in Rotten Tomatoes and Metairie.
When does Spider-Man appear: No Way Home in the cinema?
In Germany Marvel fans only need to 16 . December 2021 Wait. Then the conclusion of the spider trilogy with Tom Holland will go to the start.
From Dominik Wingman author 14.12.2021 at 16:39
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